10 Things You Must Know About El Quetzal in Guatemala

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Written By Emma Parker

If you’re planning a trip to Guatemala, learning about the El Quetzal is essential. This beautiful bird is found only in Central America and can be spotted in many areas of Guatemala.

The El Quetzal is the national bird of Guatemala. This beautiful bird is found only in Central America and can be spotted in many areas of Guatemala. The El Quetzal is a protected species, and it is illegal to hunt them.

El Quetzal

If you’re lucky enough to see this national bird, you’ll be able to enjoy their beauty up close. These birds are stunning, with bright plumage and long tails. They’re also quite large, with some males measuring over three feet in length.

10 Things You Must Know About El Quetzal in Guatemala

While it is a national bird, it’s important to remember that many other animals call this country home.

El Quetzal

From monkeys and crocodiles to snakes and iguanas, there’s a wide variety of wildlife in Guatemala.

So whether you’re hoping to spot or want to experience the country’s diverse wildlife, a trip to Guatemala is sure to be an unforgettable adventure.

Here are the 10 Things you must know about this famous bird:

One: It is is found in the Sierra Madre Mountains in southwestern Guatemala. The best time to see them is from February to May.

Two: It does symbolizes liberty and national pride for the Guatemalan people.

Three: The bird was declared the national bird of Guatemala in 1959.

Four: El Quetzal is a member of the trogon family, which includes other brightly colored birds such as quetzals, curassows, and toucans.

Five: The male El Quetzal is particularly striking, with its long tail feathers that can measure up to three feet in length.

Six: El Quetzal feeds on fruits, insects, and small reptiles.

Seven: The bird’s nest is made of sticks and leaves and is usually built in a hole in a tree.

Eight: El Quetzal is not considered endangered, but its numbers are declining due to habitat loss.

Nine: In Maya mythology, the El Quetzal is associated with the feathered serpent god, Kukulkan.

Ten: If you’re lucky enough to see an El Quetzal in the wild, it’s sure to be a memorable experience.

So there you have it – ten things you should know about El Quetzal, the national bird of Guatemala.

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Where can I see the El Quetzal?

The best time to see them is from February to May in the Sierra Madre Mountains in southwestern Guatemala.

What do they eat?

El Quetzal feeds on fruits, insects, and small reptiles.

Are they endangered?

El Quetzal is not considered endangered, but its numbers are declining due to habitat loss.

What is the El Quetzal’s relation to the feathered serpent god, Kukulkan?

In Maya mythology, the El Quetzal is associated with the feathered serpent god, Kukulkan.

What should I do if I see one?

If you see an El Quetzal in the wild, enjoy the experience and take plenty of pictures! Just be sure not to disturb the bird or its habitat.

Why is the El Quetzal important to Guatemala?

The El Quetzal symbolizes liberty and national pride for the Guatemalan people. The bird was declared the national bird of Guatemala in 1959.

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The El Quetzal is a beautiful bird found only in Central America. If you’re lucky enough to see one, it’s sure to be a memorable experience.

Just be sure not to disturb the bird or its habitat. The El Quetzal is an important symbol of liberty and national pride for the Guatemalan people.

It is all I have to say about this national bird. You can let us know what you think about it in the comments.

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